Seeing as it's only a 45 minute drive from where I go to school now, I sought it fit (since I have nothing to do on the weekends yet) to take a trip down to Savannah and Tybee Island.
So here we are at my first photo, and you can see right away what has happened, and what seems to happen every trip. My memory card becomes full with, not beach pictures, but pictures of cars on the street that I think are cool. Being the huge car nerd I am I can't help but snap pictures of the cars that catch my eye.
Now you may be saying to yourself "Oh, well that seems (somewhat) perfectly normal." I thought this too until today. See, today I came to the realization that I actually like to seek out cars that are of interest to me in different environments, which, needless to say, is a bit weird.
Anyhow, I left the island around 2 to go mill around the city of Savannah.
Savannah is a city that exacts a certain charm upon nearly everyone who visits. A walk through the historic district (which is exactly what I took) displays beautiful brick homes flanked by cobble stone streets and shady green spaces every few blocks.
Driving north on Abercorn street searching for a parking spot a white Nissan GTR naturally caught my eye.
So I parked on a side street and walked out to get some pictures. Having fed the meter for a hour, I decided to see what else was out there. What I got mostly was an eyeful of some of the most beautiful residential architecture in the south. Parked outside of another lovely home on Abercorn was a new car that has been on my mind. The new CT200 Hybrid definitely displays the more aggressive image Lexus is trying to push these days, even though it may critically be seen as sort of an over-priced Toyota Prius. Regardless, it's a design I cant help but enjoy, and the Arizona plates were intriguing as well. Speaking of license plates, I'm always on the lookout for "extreme" out-of-staters, and I think this Hyundai I've spotted takes the cake. Save a few, I've seen every state in the union represented since starting school here (including Hawaii, Colorado, Washington (state), and (actually this makes two) Alaska). As the afternoon became late and my meter came close to expiration, I headed back to my car on Perry and Abercorn and further contemplated the day I had had. I knew that the main reasons for this trip were boredom, a desire to get DSLR photos of the architecture, and just my overall desire to travel. But now I guess I can add to that: a desire to take pictures of cars (which I could have satisfied a lot easier by just going to a car show).
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