Sunday, October 10, 2010


I'm a pretty big fan of German cars. BMW's, Mercs, Audis, Porsches, basically key players in the auto industry. I just love all of the technology they shove into them. Plus the styling is just excellent, in my opinion at least. Anyways, this past summer I made a trip up to Chattanooga for the first annual "MVasion" meet, that I found out about from forums. Back when BMW was my car of the moment, so there are plenty of pictures. Enjoy

I was thinking the other day (quite dangerous, I know); and the question came up of how did someone, one single person, come up with the idea of an engine, one of the most complicated mechanical things ever. Then someone else came behind them, and came up with the idea to make an entire car. Two axles with wheels that were somehow powered by this internal combustion engine, and now you could be transported with much more ease and comfort than the alternative at the time, a horse. Then you look at what cars are today. Even the bottom-of-the-line base model Kias now have airbags, electric windows and locks, and anti-lock brakes. I myself am a "big picture person," looking at how all of these little pieces come together to make an entire thing (car, television, what have you) work. I have to say, the car is the most fascinating example in my opinion. And the fact that someone thought up the idea of controlling explosions and pistons and all of these little things that could go together to ulimately propel a vehicle, almost 200 years ago. Amazing.

Now of course, there is a Top Gear episode that goes right along with this, and is much more entertaining than my little musing.. Enjoy:

Car Photoshoot

So, the other day I decided to do another one of my quite frequent photoshoots of the only car I can really shoot on a regular basis, which is my own. This shoot was a bit different though. I had only shot about two groups of pictures with my lowering springs in and in my opinion, they turned out like crap. So this time I set out at around 6:45 to get some, hopefully better, pictures. First, as you'll see, I went to this little pond thing inside a park. Then I went to a place I had shot pictures a couple times before, which was a neighborhood they're trying to build on this hill/"summit." Anyways, I thought a majority of these pictures turned out good, but if you're reading, tell me what you think. Like last time, I'm just linking my Picasa gallery to this post.

Car Photoshoot

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Classic Car Show

Went to this car show today. It's this big monthly meet of mostly muscle car guys, but my friend told me about it today and I figured I'd bring out my camera and shoot a bit. The quality and cleanliness of some of these is really amazing, that is, compared to most of the crap I see at the Barrett import car meets. Anyways, I usually stay away from these type of meets/shows because it's usually just old men sitting around, waiting for someone to come talk to them about their cars, which really isn't my thing, but this one was different. Yeah, they were still sitting around as usual, but the overall community of cars was just awesome.

Bank Car Show


I decided to create this blog to share my daily musings, thoughts, pictures, and anything I find interesting that pertains to cars. I've been an enthsiast all my life, and in addition to cars, photography, music, and design are just some of my interests. So this blog will basically be me posting my pictures, shot with a Canon 50d. Feel free to comment, criticise, or whatever. Peace