The type of phobia I'd like to discuss is not related to music in any way. In fact, the information I'm about to give you will be, forgive me, music to your ears.
Okay, that was bad. But what I'm talking about is mileophobia. I seem to be the first to coin the term, but let me tell you, I see it all the time. People are afraid of their cars. No, not because they're two ton killing machines or whatever the health and safety people say, but because they feel that their time together is like an hourglass; and it's all too often close to running out of sand.

In modern American society especially, the notion of something lasting for decades is almost laughable. Many people buy a car brand new, keep it for a couple of years, and trade it back to the dealer while it still has value so that they can get the latest and greatest model.
This just isn't a practice I can agree with. It's wastefulness. And on top of that, it's not hard to keep modern vehicles running long after their residual values have run dry. Basic routine maintenance goes along way as far as future repair costs and overall working life of a car. Now obviously, nothing is going to last forever. Seals dry up, metal gets warped, and repairs suddenly cease to make fiscal sense anymore. But this is usually long after the giving-up stage for most people.
See with this routine maintenance, it is very realistic to see a car run for 200,000 miles.And that number, I can tell you, is out of the realms of belief of a few people I've spoken to on the matter. As it is with almost every consumer good, it's all in how you take care of your car. Neglecting your car, like I see most people do, then becoming upset when it stops working is just absurd. In fairness, the common driver has absolutely no idea what goes on around them as far as mechanics go, but still. Treat your automobile with respect and care and it will care for you. It's that simple.
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